Additional Resources

While I  aim for the Plant-Based Database to help new and young vegetarians/vegans, resources and information are never a bad thing to have more of! Below is a list of helpful resources.
    • Vegetarian Society Health and Nutrition page: 
        • A great resource on how new vegetarians can ensure they are getting proper vitamins/nutrients without the use of meat
    • Vegetarian Society Advice on Hidden Ingredients:
        • Discusses how to look for hidden non-vegetarian/vegan-friendly ingredients in food
    • General Vegetarian Resource Guide:
        • Fantastic as a general resource for more acclimated vegetarians, with information about restaurants, ingredient information, and articles about travel and vegetarian businesses.
    • Thrive Magazine:
        • A vegan/plant-based magazine with a plethora of recipes, interviews with vegan celebrities, health tips, and vegan shopping guides.